Friday, June 30, 2006

something different

A quick sketch I did last night. A small mom and pop shop ( is developing a miniatures based wargame with World War 2 occult as it's main theme. It's an area I have interest in and they have no 2d artists. This is my contribution to their art forum.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Been a while

Doing something different to take a break.
(yeah I know.. how many breaks do I need).
Been out and about a lot ... Summer is beautiful. Hard to sit down and draw.
Here's a work in progress.

Based off the Fewture Getter Robo Figure (I'm dieing to get this action figure!)

Friday, June 16, 2006

THe Hanging Garden

The Hanging Gardens of Babylon were supposedly built by Nebuchadnezzar around 600 B.C. to please his queen, Amuhia. They are also associated with the mythical Assyrian queen Semiramis. Archeologists surmise that the gardens were laid out atop a vaulted building, with provisions for raising water. The terraces were said to rise from 75 to 300 ft.

Has anyone mentioned the Hanging Garden?
It is to be a massive garden that hangs on top of very dry desert of Iraq; it is one of the seven wonders.

More info @:

** Somehow I can't post any of the images. Does everyone have the same problem?